Monday, July 29, 2013

How to Move the BarCode Sticker Away?

Before we have bought some small items for living, furnitures, clothings etc. Many products are affixed with bar code labels, a product with a corresponding label. From the supermarket shopping, we will find that sometimes we buy the dishes with a paper label affixed to live, which is very strong, very difficult to tear down. A tear will be broken, and then a layer of adhesive on it. It is very difficult to wash, if so used to eat food, it may be harmful to physical and mental health because this glue is containing chemical substances.
How can more effectively remove these bar code labels? We find a professional approach allowing you to easily remove stickers.The first you can use the electric hair dryer to make the label blowing. Please take more attention across the appropriate distance blowing on the line. When the label is a little bit hot again then to tear. It can be easily torn down. It can also be torn down through using lighter to roast. But please remember that it does not take too long, just for two or three seconds, then tear.
If there is no lighter, but also can be used warm water to soak for a while. The effect is also good. After the barcode labels are torn off, there will be a little glue on the surface. You can use a wet towel to wipe then it can be removed. It is actually a very simple reason why it is easily to move the sticker label. According to the label adhesive will become soft  and easy deformation off after meeting heat. Using the above method to remove the label, the product basically do not stick on any rubber. The method is very practical.

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